School Life Erry Day

Monku Tsukeyou ga Nai Rabukome – Volume 3: Chapter 13

This chapter has been longer in waiting compared to the last one. Sorry about that. I’ve responded to some people about this after they DMed me, but I’ve lost a lot of motivation for this series. Part of it is definitely because I didn’t think very many people were reading it. The other part of it is the chapters for this are really long and so I end up doing my other projects instead. I’ll still probably work on this slowly, especially as people talk to me and message me more about this series (it’ll probably be faster the more people do that). However, if people are still dissatisfied with that and would like to pick up the series themselves, I wouldn’t mind as long as someone lets me know. Otherwise, I hope you guys enjoy.

>> Volume 3 Chapter 13 <<

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  1. TamaSaga

    I’m reading it!

  2. RedRumMage

    Happy to see a new chapter

  3. Andrian Alajajian

    Yep i like the series.Please don’t stop translating.You are doing a great job.

  4. JapaneseFandom

    I understand it’s hard to do something you have no motivation to do, especially when you put in a lot of effort into something and it barely receives any attention. A couple of years before you picked this series up only the prologue of the first volume was translated, so having nearly 3 volumes of this series translated is a blessing to me. I don’t mind if you go at your own pace as long as you’re comfortable with it. (If it makes you feel better I waited nearly 3 years f

  5. JapaneseFandom

    For translator of denpa onna to seishun otoko to release a chapter) ((accidentally hit send while typing 😅😅😅))

  6. Gendo

    Thanks for translating this series. I have been readinh and am looking forward to the next chapter

  7. Edf

    Thanks for your hard work. I really enjoy your translations. Please continue with this novel. Do at your own rithym but please continue.