Seiji best waifu. ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
School Life Erry Day
Here are the epilogue and afterwords to the first volume. We have really enjoyed this first one and can’t wait to get started on the next one. Let us know what you guys thought of the first volume and what direction this series will head in! I was personally a fan of this volume and have high hopes for the future.
Looks like Radaemon’s laptop is back so here we are with the next one, please enjoy!
Here is the next chapter, we hope you enjoy it! Also Radaemon’s laptop is going under repair right now so the next translation will take a bit so sorry for the wait but it shouldn’t be too long.
Apologies for the long delay but here is the next long awaited chapter! The cliffhanger has finally come to an end…. maybe.
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